Welcome to the ARFID Forum. Here you can find real stories about avoidant restrictive food intake disorder submitted by readers just like you. You can also share your own story and give back to fellow ARFID sufferers who can benefit from your experience. Sharing will help people in several different and important ways:
First, sharing will provide you and others with a sense of community. Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder can be very isolating and everyone who suffers from AFRID can benefit from feeling less alone. I never knew how many people suffered from the same eating problem that I did, but I would have felt much better about myself if I had known…
Second, your stories will provide a human face on a clinical problem. It is always important to understand that the actual life limitations caused by ARFID have very real consequences on people. It is great to be able to document these consequences from the actual first-person sources…
Next, if you have a sense of humor about your food fears, then you can help others by exercising it! AFRID is a serious problem, but if you can be lighthearted in some ways, then it takes the edge off the suffering and allows some space for healing to occur.
Finally, if you have achieved any degree of success in overcoming avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, then your guidance can be extremely valuable to others. Let us know what worked for you and what failed miserably when it comes to coping strategies and proactive treatments. Have you found a cure? If so, please share how you did it! Your experiences will really give others hope and a road-map that might lead to their own cure.
Categories on the ARFID FORUM
My full ARFID story – I encourage you to share your full story. It is the best way of providing a complete view of your life with ARFID.
20 Years of ARFID and Counting
What I will and will not eat – is a great category for people who do not want to get too personal, but simply want to share the foods they love and hate.
How I helped myself – Simply want to provide some bullet point tips that worked for you? This is the place to do it!
My ARFID treatment experience – Want to detail your ARFID treatment process, this is the place to do it!
Feel free to write for as many ARFID Forum categories as you see fit. The more you share, the more you will provide yourself with a sense of relief and help others in the process!
You can send me your story via Facebook (Send Message Button) or email to…

PLEASE take time to write your story accurately and edit the work so that it is cohesive. I can help polish it up, but the more you can do, the better!
Thank you!