What types of ARFID prohibitions are ruling your life? What things do you feel that you simply can not do? Is your life restricted due to your food phobias and peculiar eating preferences? There are many other questions that I can pose to you regarding your selective eating habits: Can you socialize and eat? How […]
Food Fear from Trauma
Food fear from trauma is one of the possible explanations for the origin of eating and food phobias. Trauma can be an actual anatomical injury, but in many cases in relation to food fears, turns out to be some unpleasant psychological experience in the past. Metal health professionals often spend considerable time trying to determine […]
Food Fear and Digestive Health
Food fear and digestive health can be related physically and psychoemotionally. Gastrointestinal problems are often cited as reasons for selective eating, as well as consequences of selective eating. In this respect, digestive woes can be both contributory and resultant to ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder). Are gastrointestinal issues related to your finicky eating habits? […]
ARFID Malnutrition
ARFID malnutrition is a rather rare consequence of extreme avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. Malnutrition can take a variety of forms, but is always a serious health issue that can even become a fatal condition. ARFID is an eating disorder in which affected people only eat a narrow range of food items. In many cases, […]
Can’t Gain Weight
If you can’t gain weight due to extremely picky eating habits, you are not alone. Low body weight is a very common consequence of avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, also called ARFID. Since people with selective eating habits often do not get a complete mix of nutrition, they often have difficulty gaining weight and might […]
How Can I Get My Child to Eat?
How can I get my child to eat? This is a really common question asked by parents of finicky eaters. In some cases, the query becomes a plea for help when children will not eat much or at all… Why do some children demonstrate such fear of food? How can parents help their children to […]
Social Impact of ARFID
What is the social impact of ARFID? Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (formerly known as selective eating disorder) virtually always has significant social consequences for affected people. These effects can have direct consequences on physical and especially psychoemotional health, leading to a downward spiral of life quality all due to the social ramifications of the […]
ARFID Self-Help
ARFID self-help methods can be very effective for people who want to change their selective eating habits. Many people can improve or even resolve their avoidant restrictive food intake disorder without professional help. However, one must desire to do so strongly and have some motivation to succeed in order to optimize their chances for a […]